Setup a OpenVPN server on Centos 6

February 02, 2013 at 07:40 AM | categories: Sysadmin, Tips, Security, Centos | 0 Comments
OpenVPN 2 is available for Centos from the EPEL repository, so you need to have EPEL enabled. If you do not have EPEL enabled run: rpm -Uvh To install OpenVPN run: yum install openvpn lzo -y...

Centos 6 Bonded network interfaces

February 01, 2013 at 07:40 AM | categories: Sysadmin, Tips, Centos | 0 Comments
Bonding allows you to aggregate multiple ports, providing redundancy, fault tolerance and load balancing. There are various types of bonding available but i will show how to bond in mode 1 which is active-backup. If your interested in the other...