Block Spam from domains on the South Africa ISPA Spam Hall of Shame using DNSBL Part2
May 11, 2012 at 07:30 AM | categories: Postfix, Tips, Exim, Email, Linux | 3 Comments
I previously wrote about how to block domains named in the ISPA Spam Hall of Shame using DNSBL at SMTP time, these domains have now resorted to using 3rd party senders to try and get their Junk through. Because they...
Setup DKIM on Postfix with OpenDKIM
April 29, 2012 at 06:50 AM | categories: Postfix, Howto, DKIM, Centos, Email | 1 Comment
DKIM is an authentication framework which stores public-keys in DNS and digitally signs emails on a domain basis. It was created as a result of merging Yahoo's domainkeys and Cisco's Identified Internet mail specification. It is defined in RFC...
TIP: Block Spam from domains on the South Africa ISPA Spam Hall of Shame using DNSBL
April 22, 2012 at 09:30 AM | categories: Postfix, Howto, Exim, Email, Linux, Tips, Security | 1 Comment
The South Africa Internet service providers association (ISPA) maintains a list of known spammers dubbed the Spam Hall of Shame. The list is contains both domains as well as email addresses, this list is published on a webpage without downloadable...
Setup DKIM on Postfix with dkim-milter
March 10, 2009 at 11:54 PM | categories: Postfix, Howto, DKIM, Centos, Email | 0 Comments
DKIM is an authentication framework which stores public-keys in DNS and digitally signs emails on a domain basis. It was created as a result of merging Yahoo's domainkeys and Cisco's Identified Internet mail specification. It is defined in RFC...
Setup Postfix to sign and verify Domainkeys email
March 10, 2008 at 11:54 PM | categories: Postfix, Domainkeys, Howto, Email, Centos | 0 Comments
Domainkeys is DomainKeys is a method of e-mail authentication. Unlike some other methods, it offers almost end-to-end integrity from a signing to a verifying Mail Transfer Agent (MTA). In most cases the signing MTA acts on behalf of the...
Creating a Cacert postfix certificate
February 03, 2008 at 06:58 PM | categories: Postfix, SSL, Security, Linux | 0 Comments
Cacert is a certification authority that provides free certificates, i guess using them is much better that having your own local CA. We need to download the cacert root certificate and install it on the server Download and...