How to fix Exim SMTP AUTH rewritting the from address

June 08, 2012 at 07:55 AM | categories: Tips, Exim, Email | 0 Comments
When using SMTP Authentication with exim and the default configuration you will find that exim rewrites the sender address to "email@address"@smtp_server_hostname Return-Path: <""> ... Sender: "" ... To fix this you need...

Block Spam from domains on the South Africa ISPA Spam Hall of Shame using DNSBL Part2

May 11, 2012 at 07:30 AM | categories: Postfix, Tips, Exim, Email, Linux | 3 Comments
I previously wrote about how to block domains named in the ISPA Spam Hall of Shame using DNSBL at SMTP time, these domains have now resorted to using 3rd party senders to try and get their Junk through. Because they...

TIP: Block Spam from domains on the South Africa ISPA Spam Hall of Shame using DNSBL

April 22, 2012 at 09:30 AM | categories: Postfix, Howto, Exim, Email, Linux, Tips, Security | 1 Comment
The South Africa Internet service providers association (ISPA) maintains a list of known spammers dubbed the Spam Hall of Shame. The list is contains both domains as well as email addresses, this list is published on a webpage without downloadable...

TIP: Use a random IP address from an pool of addresses with Exim

April 21, 2012 at 08:21 AM | categories: Tips, Exim, Linux | 1 Comment
Create a lookup file /etc/exim/ips.txt with 1: 2: 3: 4: Set the transport to: remote_smtp: driver = smtp interface = "${lookup {${randint:5}} lsearch {/etc/exim/ips.txt}}" randint will return a random number...

Exim commands you should know

April 15, 2012 at 11:56 AM | categories: Tips, Exim, Linux | 0 Comments
Print out the exim configuration options exim -bP Print the contents of the queue exim -bp Print the number of items in the queue exim -bpc Test addresses exim -bt addresss Print exim version and test...

Mail server setup with Exim, MySQL, Cyrus-Imapd, Horde webmail on Centos 5.1

March 04, 2009 at 12:37 PM | categories: Horde, Centos, Howto, Exim, Cyrus, Linux, Email | 0 Comments
This how to describes the installation and configuration of a mail system on Centos 5.1 with selinux enabled for enhanced security. This system will be able to service HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, TLS, SMTP-AUTH, IMAP, POP3 clients and is virtual...

CENTOS 5 virtual hosting howto

February 03, 2008 at 06:58 PM | categories: Horde, Centos, Howto, Exim, Cyrus, Linux, Email | 0 Comments
This tutorial shows how to set up a CentOS 5.x server to offer all services needed by virtual web hosters. These include web hosting,smtp server with (SMTP-AUTH and TLS,SPF,DKIM,Domainkeys),DNS,FTP,MySQL,POP3/IMAP,Firewall,Webalizer for stats. I will use the following software: Database...