TIP: Block Spam from domains on the South Africa ISPA Spam Hall of Shame using DNSBL

April 22, 2012 at 09:30 AM | categories: Postfix, Howto, Exim, Email, Linux, Tips, Security | View Comments
The South Africa Internet service providers association (ISPA) maintains a list of known spammers dubbed the Spam Hall of Shame. The list is contains both domains as well as email addresses, this list is published on a webpage without downloadable...

Python modules you should know: Netifaces

April 21, 2012 at 08:35 AM | categories: Python, PyMYSK, Howto | View Comments
We all know of the great python packages, Django, Sqlalchemy, Pylons etc, however there are so many unsung heroes that we get to use when we need to get something we don't do often done. This series will try and...

TIP: Use a random IP address from an pool of addresses with Exim

April 21, 2012 at 08:21 AM | categories: Tips, Exim, Linux | View Comments
Create a lookup file /etc/exim/ips.txt with 1: xxx.xxx.xxx.1 2: xxx.xxx.xxx.2 3: xxx.xxx.xxx.3 4: xxx.xxx.xxx.4 Set the transport to: remote_smtp: driver = smtp interface = "${lookup {${randint:5}} lsearch {/etc/exim/ips.txt}}" randint will return a random number...

Links of the day: Running IPv6 at home

April 20, 2012 at 05:44 PM | categories: IPv6, Links, Linux | View Comments
I have been running IPv6 on my internet servers for over 2 years now, so i thought it was time i take to running it at home as well. I run a couple of Linksys WRT34GL routers with TomatoUSB...

Exim commands you should know

April 15, 2012 at 11:56 AM | categories: Tips, Exim, Linux | View Comments
Print out the exim configuration options exim -bP Print the contents of the queue exim -bp Print the number of items in the queue exim -bpc Test addresses exim -bt addresss Print exim version and test...

Tip: Extract RPM name without version numbers

April 11, 2012 at 05:56 PM | categories: Tips, Linux | View Comments
for rpm in $(rpm -qa|sort); do rpm=${rpm##*/}; rpm=${rpm%%-[0-9]*}; echo ${rpm}; done You can also use a simpler command just from within rpm rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}\n"|sort ...

Tip: Push static routes to clients via DHCP

April 09, 2012 at 11:26 AM | categories: DHCP, Tips, Linux | View Comments
While researching a fix for ICMP redirect messages generated when you point a route to a device on the same segment i came across RFC3442, which defines how DHCP servers can push static routes to DHCP clients. Unfortunately i did...

NFS server on Fedora 16

April 08, 2012 at 08:44 AM | categories: Tips, Fedora, Linux | View Comments
With the advent of systemd on Fedora 16 setup of NFS has changed quite abit, some of the services have been renamed which can cause a bit of frustration for users who are used to the old setup. The...

Tip: Extracting files from Linux packages .deb and .rpm

March 31, 2012 at 07:55 AM | categories: Tips, Linux | View Comments
dpkg-deb -x {deb-package name} {target directory} rpm2cpio | cpio -id ...

Generating Cryptography Keys in Python

March 27, 2012 at 09:18 AM | categories: Python, SSL, Howto | View Comments
PyOpenSSL may seem like the obvious option when working with cryptography keys in Python but i have found it to have some short coming such as the inability to save both the public and private key in a key pair....

Links of the Day

March 26, 2012 at 06:48 PM | categories: Python, Links | View Comments
I have been working on lots of LDAP integration using Python / Perl of recent, here are some links i found useful. Python ldap applications: binding to an ldap directory Python ldap applications: ldap opearations Python ldap applications:...

From Dokuwiki to Blogofile

March 21, 2012 at 08:33 AM | categories: Python, Markdown | View Comments
As you have noticed this site has a new look and feel, I decided to go back to basics, using simple text markup with no backend systems to manage and maintain. Given my new found love for Python am...