Python modules you should know: bcrypt

April 28, 2012 at 08:05 AM | categories: Python, PyMYSK, Howto | 0 Comments
Next in our series of Python modules you should know is bcrypt. I previously wrote about the passlib package which you can use to manage passwords, in some cases a fully featured password management package is not what you want....

Python modules you should know: pexpect

April 25, 2012 at 07:25 AM | categories: Python, PyMYSK, Howto | 0 Comments
Next in our series of Python modules you should know is pexpect. Pexpect is a pure Python module that makes Python a better tool for controlling and automating other programs. Pexpect is similar to the...

Python modules you should know: psutil

April 24, 2012 at 10:25 AM | categories: Python, PyMYSK, Howto | 0 Comments
Next in our series of Python modules you should know is psutil. psutil is a module providing an interface for retrieving information on all running processes and system utilization (CPU, disk, memory, network) in a...

Python modules you should know: Passlib

April 23, 2012 at 07:50 AM | categories: Python, PyMYSK, Howto | 0 Comments
Working with passwords is central to programming multi user applications, next in my on going series Python modules you should know is Passlib, a package that makes it easy for you to work with various password hashing schemes in Python....

Python modules you should know: Scrapy

April 22, 2012 at 10:50 AM | categories: Python, PyMYSK, Howto | 0 Comments
Next in our series of Python modules you should know is Scrapy. Do you want to be the next Google ? Well read on. Scrapy is a fast high-level screen scraping and web crawling...

TIP: Block Spam from domains on the South Africa ISPA Spam Hall of Shame using DNSBL

April 22, 2012 at 09:30 AM | categories: Postfix, Howto, Exim, Email, Linux, Tips, Security | 1 Comment
The South Africa Internet service providers association (ISPA) maintains a list of known spammers dubbed the Spam Hall of Shame. The list is contains both domains as well as email addresses, this list is published on a webpage without downloadable...

Python modules you should know: Netifaces

April 21, 2012 at 08:35 AM | categories: Python, PyMYSK, Howto | 2 Comments
We all know of the great python packages, Django, Sqlalchemy, Pylons etc, however there are so many unsung heroes that we get to use when we need to get something we don't do often done. This series will try and...

Generating Cryptography Keys in Python

March 27, 2012 at 09:18 AM | categories: Python, SSL, Howto | 0 Comments
PyOpenSSL may seem like the obvious option when working with cryptography keys in Python but i have found it to have some short coming such as the inability to save both the public and private key in a key pair....

Setup DKIM on Postfix with dkim-milter

March 10, 2009 at 11:54 PM | categories: Postfix, Howto, DKIM, Centos, Email | 0 Comments
DKIM is an authentication framework which stores public-keys in DNS and digitally signs emails on a domain basis. It was created as a result of merging Yahoo's domainkeys and Cisco's Identified Internet mail specification. It is defined in RFC...

Mail server setup with Exim, MySQL, Cyrus-Imapd, Horde webmail on Centos 5.1

March 04, 2009 at 12:37 PM | categories: Horde, Centos, Howto, Exim, Cyrus, Linux, Email | 0 Comments
This how to describes the installation and configuration of a mail system on Centos 5.1 with selinux enabled for enhanced security. This system will be able to service HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, TLS, SMTP-AUTH, IMAP, POP3 clients and is virtual...

Setup a Linux Playstation 3 media server (Centos 5.2)

January 25, 2009 at 03:00 PM | categories: Mediaplayer, PS3, Howto, Centos, DLNA | 0 Comments
The Sony Play station 3 is a DLNA compatible device, DLNA is a framework where home electronics can share digital media and content seamlessly. This tutorial is a followup to the previous howto on ubuntu. Given that i like...

Setup a Linux Playstation 3 media server Ubuntu

January 25, 2009 at 02:58 PM | categories: Mediaplayer, PS3, DLNA, Howto, Ubuntu | 0 Comments
The Sony Play station 3 is a DLNA compatible device, DLNA is a framework where home electronics can share digital media and content seamlessly. This tutorial will provide instructions on setting up your Ubuntu hardy computer to share your...